Saturday, November 25, 2023

"Until now, Americans didn't realize that the federal agents provoking the J6 riot were uniformed police –

"Until now, Americans didn't realize that the federal agents provoking the riot were uniformed police – USCP and MPD fired unrelenting munitions on the J6 protesters without warning, sparking a riot and the building entry an hour later..."

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

"police started firing on unsuspecting Trump supporters on Jan6, 2021, WITHOUT WARNING.

"Recent footage released by InvestigateJ6 reveals police officers started firing on unsuspecting Trump supporters on January 6, 2021, without warning...Four Trump supporters were killed that day, including Benjamin Phillips and Kevin Greeson, who were killed when police started firing munitions on the crowd..."

Monday, November 20, 2023

"OUTRAGEOUS! J6 Defendant Victoria White Who Was Punched by Police in the Face Over 30 Times

  "OUTRAGEOUS! J6 Defendant Victoria White Who Was Punched by Police in the Face Over 30 Times with Fists and Sticks Fights Back Tears in Court after She is Sentenced to 10 Days in Prison"

"Bombshell Court Filing Describes How Law Enforcement Infiltrated Proud Boys Before J6 "

"Metro PD officers gave protesters FREE ACCESS to a door on the west side of the Capitol for 12 minutes on Jan6,

"Metro PD officers gave protesters FREE ACCESS to a door on the west side of the Capitol for 12 minutes on Jan6, after supervisors ordered them to RETREAT, leading one officer to remark, "I CAN'T BELIEVE they LET THEM IN," a new federal court filing .."

This was one of the undercover cops on Jan6 PRETENDING to be a patriot PROTESTER.

This was one
 of the undercover cops
to be a patriot PROTESTER. There's a video out there showing him INCITING the crowd & PARTICIPATING in the pandemonium

"This brings the TOTAL number of INFORMANTS among defendants on or around Jan. 6 to 50 or more,” Roots said."

Next episode

This scumbag group 👎😡 says they assist in identifying J6ers 👇

#DEFENDtheUNBORN ! 👶👣👼🌹🥀🎵🎶✝️⛪🙏♥️😎🇺🇸 (@PRAISETRIUNEGOD) posted at 1:58 AM on Mon, Nov 20, 2023:

This scumbag group
says they assist the
Federal Bureau of
Cowards With
Guns (aka, FBI)
in identifying J6ers 👇

They're reward is
NOT heaven,
but the OPPOSITE.

" J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit's Alicia Powe - "

"EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit's Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked Below …NOTE: This is the BODYCAM FOOTAGE – NOT the House Security Camera Footage" 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

FREAKIN COWARDS almost killed her, & now they want to put her in prison🚫😡👎"DOJ Wants J6 Defendant Victoria

these FREAKIN COWARDS almost killed her, & now they want to put her in prison🚫😡👎
"DOJ Wants J6 Defendant Victoria White to Serve 90 Days in Prison After Capitol Police Beat Her x35 in the Face with Their Fists & Sticks Nearly Kill Her on J6 ( Video)"

"House Speaker Mike Johnson OFFICIALLY Releases First Batch of Jan6 Surveillance Camera Footage - "

"House Speaker Mike Johnson OFFICIALLY Releases First Batch of January 6 Surveillance Camera Footage – And Guess What?… No Insurrection! No Riot!" 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

👎"The Biden DOJ is now arresting Trump supporters who stood outside the US Capitol on January 6 "

"The Biden DOJ is now arresting Trump supporters who stood outside the US Capitol on January 6 and committed no violence.

I have two new clients charged with J6 crimes. Neither went inside the Capitol and there are no allegations of any interference with the police..."

The cop hitting Roseanne while she's unconscious on the ground should be in PRISON for life : "What you may not know about the death of Rosanne Boyland. "   The cop hitting Roseanne while she's unconscious on the ground (if not dead a...