Friday, September 20, 2024

"Leftists Deserve the J6 Treatment" – The Burning Platform 

"By treating President Trump's speech as the "proximate cause" of other alleged crimes (consisting mostly of questionable trespass violations reimagined and inflated into felonies) committed by strangers, the Biden-Garland-Smith Triumvirate of Tyranny has turned every American's opinion into a potential criminal act...

Trump never called for violence against Joe Biden or the U.S. government. He never urged Americans to revolt against their country. Even on January 6 — the half-day of protest that leftist pundits and politicians say was worse than 9/11 and the Civil War combined — President Trump calmly urged his supporters "to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." 

Surely, if President Trump is responsible for "inciting" a fake "insurrection," Biden and Harris are responsible for inciting two very real assassination attempts"

'Relief and Joy as Volunteers Help Freed Jan. 6 Prisoners Get Home | "