Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Not every j6er received a pardon. some only received a commutation (released from prison but conviction remains)


These j6ers were commuted but not pardoned by Trump.

Stewart Rhodes: Sentenced to 18 years in prison.
Kelly Meggs: Sentenced to 12 years in prison.
Kenneth Harrelson: Sentenced to 4 years in prison.
Jessica Watkins: Sentenced to 8.5 years in prison.
Roberto Minuta: Sentenced to 4.5 years in prison.
Edward Vallejo: Sentenced to 3 years in prison, with the first year on home confinement.
David Moerschel: Sentenced to 3 years in prison.
Joseph Hackett: Sentenced to 3.5 years in prison.
Ethan Nordean: Sentenced to 18 years in prison.
Joseph Biggs: Sentenced to 17 years in prison.
Zachary Rehl: Sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Dominic Pezzola: Sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Jeremy Bertino: Sentencing delayed 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Chris Quaglin, 39 : "From J6 survivor to prison reformer "


"The guards specifically targeted me because I documented every illegal thing they did by filing grievances. I have 4,000 pages of daily notes that explain everything that happened over a four-year period...

I am so hell-bent on prison reform. I can't just go back to work and be an electrician," Quaglin told WorldNetDaily in an exclusive interview. "This has been going on for 50 years. January 6 just exposed it. J6ers have a voice that other inmates don't have. This is not just a January 6 problem."

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Re: ‘I Can’t Go to Jail’: Footage Shows Officer Shooting, Killing Pardoned J6er Matthew Huttle'


'I Can't Go to Jail': Footage Shows Officer Shooting, Killing Pardoned J6er Matthew Huttle"

He said he was "shooting himself". Why couldn't the cop back off and give him space to cool down and possibly save his life ? The cop could have taken cover behind his own car door and wait to see if Matthew was going to kill himself or shoot at him. When he said he's going to shoot himself, at that point you need to start thinking about suicide prevention .

‘I Can’t Go to Jail’: Footage Shows Officer Shooting, Killing Pardoned J6er Matthew Huttle'


'I Can't Go to Jail': Footage Shows Officer Shooting, Killing Pardoned J6er Matthew Huttle"

He said he was "shooting himself". Why couldn't the cop back off and give him space to cool down and possibly save his life ? The cop could have taken cover behind his own car door and wait to see if Matthew was going to kill himself or treat at him the cop? When he said he's going to shoot himself, at that point you need to start thinking about suicide prevention .

The cop hitting Roseanne while she's unconscious on the ground should be in PRISON for life : "What you may not know about the death of Rosanne Boyland. "


The cop hitting Roseanne while she's unconscious on the ground (if not dead already) should be in PRISON for life : "What you may not know about the death of Rosanne Boyland. "

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

": Imprisoned J6er and Retired Green Beret Jeremy Brown Reportedly Being Released Today! |"


It has been 1,243 days today that retired Green Beret Master Sergeant Jeremy Brown has been incarcerated in the federal prison system after he was handed guilty verdicts in a case that arose from a search warrant after his involvement in the Jan 6 protest..."

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Help the J6ers if u can 👍"We have filed 2 lawsuits worth over $500 Million Dollars against the abuse of Jan 6ers"


"We have filed 2 lawsuits worth over $500 Million Dollars against the abuse of January 6ers



" Jan 6 Patriots Will Be Outside DC Jail Tonight Calling for Release of All Remaining J6 Hostages! "


"In a show of camaraderie, Lang has rented out 'The Patriot Mansion' to host over 20 January 6 patriots, facilitating gatherings throughout the week following CPAC. This initiative aims to provide a supportive environment for those who have endured unjust incarceration

Supporters emphasize the urgency of President Trump issuing pardons for these individuals, asserting that their continued detention represents a miscarriage of justice..."

Sunday, February 16, 2025

"J6 Defendant Isaac Thomas Sends Farewell Message and Thank You to The Gateway Pundit and Our Audience | "


Isaac provided The Gateway Pundit with these videos from his time at the protest that day. He can be heard telling protesters, "Don't break anything guys," and even thanked an officer for their service that had been kind to the protesters..."

" this is, George Hill an FBI agent & whistleblower —Testifies under penalty of perjury, .."


Testifies under penalty of perjury, that the FBI won't allow over 11,000 hours of J6 footage to be released because it would expose undercover agents, and confidential human sources at the right side of your screen committing act of terrorism at the Capitol on Jan 6 for Jan 6..."

Friday, February 7, 2025

Truth ""If this were J6 instead of Illegals , dems would spend the next 4 years raiding homes at gunpoint


this were J6 instead of Illegals on the LA 101 Freeway, Merrick Garland and Matthew Graves would spend the next 4 years raiding homes at gunpoint and arresting every single one of the lawbreakers

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Good grief 👎"5000 FBI agents assigned to j6 -" Google Search


What the ⁉️
FBI used 5,000 employees to
 prosecute Jan Sixers 

"Sitting down? The US Mint's new 'J6 coin' will make your blood boil... -" Revolver News

Sunday, February 2, 2025

♥️✝️🙏#FreeTommyRobinson: Vicky Richter Eulogizes J6ers Who Died & Committed Suicide: "They Died Standing Up for Freedom of Speech"


In America, we had (J6ers commit) suicide in prison: Matthew Perna, Mark Aungst, Jord Meachum, Christopher Georgia, David Homol. They (were driven to) suicide because they were standing up for their right of freedom of speech. We should never forget their names ...""

Friday, January 31, 2025

"FBI requests names of bureau employees who worked on Jan. 6 cases" - Washington Times


BYE BYE  👋 😁😆😄
"The notice sent within the bureau Friday asked for the names of all agents and supervisors across the country involved in investigating and helping to prosecute people who breached the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021."

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

"Soros Funded NY DA Alvin Bragg Continues to Target Pardoned J6 Political Prisoner Samuel Fisher | "

Verse of the Day 1/29/25

"The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His Glory, the Glory of the One and only Son, who came from the Father, Full of Grace and Truth." 🙏✝️♥️
      -John 1:14-

"Tampa Bay’s Jan. 6 convicts, released from prison, react to Trump’s pardon"


"A pardon's great, definitely an answer to a prayer, but it still puts you just slightly lower than everyone else," said Doolin, now 27. He said he feels he did nothing wrong. "Even though I have my rights restored, if I get asked on a job application whether I've been convicted of a felony, I still have to put yes.
"It doesn't bring back the money..

After Jonathan Pollock walked free and greeted his father and sister, he spoke to an array of cameras.
"Without Jesus Christ, I would have been lost," he said. "When the truth comes out and actually shows us getting attacked — I was there, I saw it — and then we were attacked by the justice system."

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

"Trump US Attorney Ed Martin Initiates Probe Into Biden US Attorney Matthew Graves' Unlawful Use of 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge to Lock Up J6ers | "


"Acting US Attorney for DC, Ed Martin, initiated an inquiry into former US Attorney Matthew Graves' prosecutions of more than 1,500 January 6 protestors.

Ed Martin is specifically probing Graves' abuse of the 1512(c)(2) obstruction charge..."

Monday, January 27, 2025

"Pardoned J6 Protestor Says He Has PROOF Police Incited Riots At Capitol |" ZeroHedge


Videos also show police accidentally gassing themselves, which forced them to retreat closer to the building. Officials originally blamed protester violence for their retreat. .."

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

"President Trump frees January 6th prisoners" - YouTube

Sickening 👎😡"'They moved me here for no apparent reason': Pardoned Jan. 6 prisoners stranded with no ID, penniless "


"Our families are standing outside in below freezing 10° weather until 1am when they released 2 hostages, there are still 20 of us in here!!!" he continued. "Please help us rebuild our broken lives donation site is J6Rebuild.com & get us out of the Swamp Gulag – I've been here 4 years and 5 days WITHOUT A TRIAL!!!"

It seems that, leading up to the expected day of unprecedented presidential pardons, the Federal Bureau of Prisons began transferring J6 prisoners to random states in the middle of nowhere..."

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

If DC jail refuses to do their job, Trump must order military to step in "January 6 Hostages Still TRAPPED Inside DC GULAG - Jake Lang Assaulted by Guards Last Night Trying to Leave Jail "


If DC jail refuses to do their job, Trump must order military to step in "January 6 Hostages Still TRAPPED Inside DC GULAG - Jake Lang Assaulted by Guards Last Night Trying to Leave Jail "

"Donald Trump Keeps 46 Promises and Counting on First Day in Office"

"Watch: Trump Signing J6 Pardons For "A Lot Of People" |" ZeroHedge

"Trump Slams ‘Crying’ Liz Cheney and Frees J6 ‘Hostages’"

"Granting Pardons And Commutation Of Sentences For Certain Offenses Relating To The Events At Or Near The United States Capitol On January 6, 2021 "

scumbag. How much kickback? 💰'Biden pardons Fauci, Liz Cheney, Mark Milley &members of the J 6 committee "

:"J6 Defendant Jake Lang Claims the J6 Case Against Him To Be Dropped After 1,464 Days Without a Trial |"

"A Statement from J6 Whistleblower, J6er, and Persecuted Green Beret Master Sergeant Jeremy Brown on President Trump's Promise to Pardon Non-Violent J6ers |"


"In just hours, we find out whether the innocent lives of Ashli, Roseanne, Kevin and Benjamin were TAKEN in vain by a Gov so compromised by foreign influence and drunk on its own power, that it doesn't know the difference between a Patriot and a Terrorist..."

"President Trump Issues a Fiery Response to Joe Biden's Corrupt Pardons of Anthony Fauci, Mark Milley, Ashli Babbitt's Killer, and the Entire J6 Select Committee of Liars |"

Saturday, January 18, 2025

"Cowboy Logic Holds 80-Hour J6 Marathon - With Over 150 Interviews with J6 Political Prisoners & Their Families "


"In 2023, for President Trump's birthday, Cowboy Logic recorded 33 J6ers from the DC Jail sending birthday wishes to President Trump. During The President Trump J6 Birthday Special, Oath Keepers: Stewart Rhodes, Kelly Meggs and Jessica Watkins were able to send their birthday message from the SHU (The Hole) where they were placed post sentencing..."

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

excellent 👍"Should Trump Pardon ALL Jan. 6 Defendants?! | John Strand" | The Glenn Beck Podcast

 excellent 👍"Should Trump Pardon ALL Jan. 6 Defendants?! | John Strand" | The Glenn Beck Podcast on Castbox. Check out this episode! https://castbox.fm/vb/769657218 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

"January 6 will now stand as a day of triumph for Trump and the Make America Great Again movement"

"Inside how the Capitol Police has changed since Jan. 6, 2021 "


those shifts come at a cost. Capitol Police now operates with a $791.5 million budget, up more than 70 percent since the Capitol attack. Even accounting for inflation, that's more than seven times the 9/11-era budget. Total spending is expected to reach $1 billion in the next few years, with officials requesting another 14 percent increase for next year's budget.."

Friday, January 3, 2025

"J6er exposes rapes by guards and chaplain in prison she was sent to for misdemeanor... "- Revolver News

Get your tickets here "Make America Great Again Victory Rally at Capital One Arena" DC

Digging his own grave " Biden to Award J6 Rep. Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney, etc 2nd- Highest Civilian Medal"


This is such a freakin mockery & perversion of Justice. Biden is laughing his Perverted head off all the way to the GRAVE where he will meet his Maker and discover his fate 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

"Former College Football Star, Young Father and J6 Political Prisoner Mason Courson Shares Heartfelt Update – Calls for Support as He Faces a Long Road Ahead | "


"Mason Courson went to Washington, D.C., on Jan 6, 2021, to stand and listen to his President speak, with no ill intent. Unfortunately, the 27-year-old, who was born and raised in South Florida, found himself in a situation he never imagined.."

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

"Exclusive: J6 Prisoner Explains DC Event This Jan. 6 –" PJ Media

Bizarre "Liz Cheney Predicted the Jan 6 Bomb Threat "


Cheney's behavior before January 6, however, also merits scrutiny. Oddly, she appears to have been the first official to predict that a bomb could disrupt the joint session that day—a scenario she had contemplated on at least three separate occasions leading up to that day..."

Monday, December 16, 2024

"Whistleblower: FBI Deputy Director Abbate Told Agents to Hide Dozens of January 6 Informants from Public - Knew It Would Be "Too Embarrassing" for Agency to Tell the Truth to Americans"


"According to a 2023 whistleblower, FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate told subordinates at the agency to hide the identities of dozens of January 6 government informants. He said it would be too embarrassing for the agency if the information was leaked out. So they hid this from the American public."

Excellent must read blaze article exposes dirty truth re J6 & "Officer Byrd who killed Ashli Babbitt abandoned US Capitol post for card game, lied to investigators about it, source says "


"Byrd's weapon was pointed directly at the back of U.S. Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), who was defending the House entrance with a long wooden hand sanitizer stand. Four other plainclothes and uniformed police officers were.."

"GoFundMe account set up in November 2021 to benefit Byrd ended up raising $164,206 from 3,621 donors .."

C"The Blaze has a story about Michael Byrd, the Capitol policeman who murdered Ashli Babbitt, that is absolutely insane. -Byrd has decades of investigations and punishments for bad conduct. In 2001, he abandoned his post guarding the Speaker's Office to play a card game, then lied" / X

To Tell the truth: Truth Details | Truth Social, Julie Kelly re J6

Sunday, December 15, 2024

SOB JUDGES 😡👎"January 6 arrests rose 24% in 2024, 75% in past 2 years, DOJ report says " | Blaze Media


"Just as President-elect Donald J. Trump prepares to issue pardons for those arrested, charged, and convicted on Jan. 6 counts, District of Columbia judges are doubling down on issuing sentences and refusing requests to delay sentencing hearings "

Friday, December 13, 2024

"Newly Released J6 Defendant EXPOSES January 6th Lies in Epic Viral Video – Gets Banned On Tiktok for Posting It! | "

"DOJ Finally Releases Suppressed IG Report on Jan 6: Here's What They're STILL COVERING UP - " News


 "Of all of the damning vindication of its admissions, the DOJ IG report is still more damning in terms of its omissions. There is not a single word about the most damning smoking gun of all of January 6—the January 6 pipe bombs. And this is despite absolutely scandalous revelations indicating near certainty of Capitol Police, ATF, and Secret Service involvement in the cover-up of the pipe bomb scandal..."

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

"Cruel & Extremely Unusual – J6 Prisoner View of Statue of Liberty from Prison"


Prayers for 🙏 Jake Lang 🙏 

"Here is an excerpt from the viral X video Jake made from his prison cell – promoting the J6 Day One Freedom Petition on J6Pardons.com – that includes a beautiful prayer for God to move President Trump's heart to PARDON ALL J6ERS ON DAY ONE! "

Sunday, December 8, 2024

"Trump: Pardons for J6 Prisoners Coming on Day One, Says Some Members of J6 Committee ‘Should Go to Jail’ –" RedState

The petite female #AshliiBabbit did NOT actually break the window. Somebody else did

#DEFENDtheUNBORN ! 👶👣👼🌹🥀🎵🎶✝️⛪🙏♥️😎🇺🇸 (@PRAISETRIUNEGOD) posted at 7:07 PM on Sat, Jun 18, 2022:

89% believe that shooting/killing an unarmed petite female  climbing thru a broken window is a MORE SERIOUS CRIME than breaking & climbing thru a window

(Oh, by the way. The petite female #AshliiBabbit did NOT actually break the window. Somebody else did).

Disgraceful👎😡 Imprecatory. Bind, not loose "Vicious DC Judge Dabney Friedrich Ruins Christmas for J6 Family - Sends Daughters Out of Room ..


Disgraceful. Imprecatory. Bind, not loose "Vicious DC Judge Dabney Friedrich Ruins Christmas for J6 Family - Sends Daughters Out of Room Before She Adds MORE MONTHS on Guy Reffitt's Time Served Rather Than Releasing Him Outright - Because of Her Ingrained Hatred of the American People - Updated |"

Friday, December 6, 2024

"Internal Emails Reveal Democrats Bowing to Lt. Michael Byrd's Demands After He Killed Ashli Babbitt - Including Allocating Him Funds for "Fallen or Wounded Officers" | "


"Despite previous lapses in protocol, such as leaving his service weapon in a Visitor's Center bathroom in 2019, Michael Byrd was exonerated of any wrongdoing in Babbitt's death and later promoted.

 In addition to Byrd leaving his Glock 22 service weapon in a Visitor's Center bathroom in February 2019, Byrd also had his police powers revoked on several occasions for failing to meet semi-annual firearms qualifications standards.

The only J6 defendant Judge James Boasberg had sympathy towards was Ray Epps , if you get what I am saying
