Friday, September 20, 2024

"Retired Green Beret Held Without Bail for 'Thought Crime' Over Misdemeanor Charge -" National File

"Bombshell Transcripts Reveal Trump, in Fact, Ordered National Guard for January 6th — General Milley Confirms " 

"On January 3, 2021, just three days before the protest, General Milley recalled the president saying, "Hey, look at this. There's going to be a large amount of protesters here on the 6th. Make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it's a safe event."

Trump reportedly added, "I don't care if you use Guard, or Soldiers, active duty Soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it's safe."

"Leftists Deserve the J6 Treatment" – The Burning Platform 

"By treating President Trump's speech as the "proximate cause" of other alleged crimes (consisting mostly of questionable trespass violations reimagined and inflated into felonies) committed by strangers, the Biden-Garland-Smith Triumvirate of Tyranny has turned every American's opinion into a potential criminal act...

Trump never called for violence against Joe Biden or the U.S. government. He never urged Americans to revolt against their country. Even on January 6 — the half-day of protest that leftist pundits and politicians say was worse than 9/11 and the Civil War combined — President Trump calmly urged his supporters "to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." 

Surely, if President Trump is responsible for "inciting" a fake "insurrection," Biden and Harris are responsible for inciting two very real assassination attempts"

👍 " Georgia State Election Board Passes Rule Requiring Hand-Count of Ballots at Precinct Level | "

"Please Help J6 Political Prisoner Jon Mellis As He Starts a New Life after He Leaves Prison After Years of Abuse by the Biden Regime" 

"Moss also ordered Mellis to pay $20,000 to the government, all of the money Jon had left in his GiveSendGo account, which he had raised during his nearly three years in prison at the DC Gulag..."

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Police told to stop searching for perpetrator "New Explosive Whistleblower Claims on Jan6 Pipe Bomber "

"To make this story even worse, the Secret Service texts messages from January 6 have all been wiped. Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle claims the texts got deleted during a data update and phone migration. .."

Saturday, August 31, 2024

"Today, the Harris-Biden government put a great grandmother—who entered the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021 and said a prayer—in an ankle monitor 

"Today, the Harris-Biden government put a great grandmother—who entered the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021 and said a prayer—in an ankle monitor for the next 6 months for her house arrest sentence. I'm sure the country is now much safer from this very potent coup threat!" / X

Biden shows no mercy and now he's getting no mercy. Kamala kicked Biden to the curb . Thrown out like yesterday's garbage. Is that karma ? Next will be Kamala's turn

Friday, August 30, 2024

Attention Jim Jordan "INSIDE J6 Podcast with Special Guest Jake Lang - Over 1300 Days in Prison - Now BACK in 'The Hole' " 

Could we get some Congressional help for this poor fellow Jake Lang who has NOT been convicted of a crime and still has NOT had a trial. 
cc: Jim Jordan, MTG, et al

"Since the podcast, we believe Lang was put back in "the Hole" after just getting out from a 40-day stint in solitaire confinement indoors for 23-hours per day.  He has not been convicted of any crimes to this point..."

Monday, August 26, 2024

Prayers 4 Isaac "A J6 Mother Fights for Her Son's Freedom - Isaac Sturgeon Was Sentenced to SIX YEARS in Prison by a Corrupt Judge for Standing Outside the US Capitol and Being Pushed Down the Steps " 

Prayers 4 Isaac "A J6 Mother Fights for Her Son's Freedom - Isaac Sturgeon Was Sentenced to SIX YEARS in Prison by a Corrupt Judge for Standing Outside the US Capitol and Being Pushed Down the Steps "
Isaac's "crime" was standing on the steps of the steps of the US Capitol and being pushed down the steps. He never committed a crime. He never hurt anyone.."

Sunday, August 18, 2024

"When Ray Epps urged people to trespass inside the Capitol, he knew it was a crime l 

"When Ray Epps urged people to trespass inside the Capitol, he knew it was a crime because he had an outstanding warrant for criminal trespass in Pennsylvania from 2015. He wasn't the only one removed from the FBI suspects list - so what really happened on J6? " / X

Thursday, August 15, 2024

‘J6 praying grandma’ avoids prison time for peaceful J6 participation...But is fined $103,000, for a MISDEMEANOR 

"The judge  told Rebecca Lavrenz he didn't think sending her to jail "was going to help." But he fined her $103,000, ...& ordered her to stay off the internet."

The praying grandma spent 10 minutes inside the capital in silent prayer 🙏 & hoped to talk to a congress person...

Friday, August 9, 2024

"'They Move Them To Torture Them ... It's Called Diesel Therapy': Proud Boys Forced Back Into Solitary Confinment In DC Gulag After Thanking God For Sunlight And Real Food | " 

"Like nearly every federal magistrate presiding over J6 cases, Judge Timothy Kelly, a Trump appointee, subjected the five defendants to unconstitutional pre-trial detention, a standard that was never employed in thousands of other bail reform decisions prior to the Capitol riot..."

"NY Judge Slaps AG Garland, Federal Bureau Of Prisons With Complaint For Depriving Now-Brain-Injured J6 Hostage Ryan Samsel Of Emergency Medical Treatment "

"New Documents Prove the FBI Worked with Prison Officials to Wrongly Punish J6 Prisoner John Strand. He Speaks Out! " 

"The question is, why does a discipline hearing for a low-level behavior infraction for "Contacting the Public" need to be referred to the FBI and AUSA?

It is a clear indication that the FBI and The Biden Dept. of Justice has a strong hand in everything that happens to J6 prisoners while in custody."

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

" the U.S. District Federal Court is routinely recycling jurors on Jan. 6 trials, illegally calling the same individuals to .." 

"In September, Metcalf and this reporter uncovered during Alam's trial that the U.S. District Federal Court is routinely recycling jurors on Jan. 6 trials, illegally calling the same individuals to jury duty multiple consecutive times in a row as the Department of Justice maintains a 100 percent conviction rate against the political prisoners on jury trials. .."

" Persecuted J6'er Zachary Alam Breaks Silence From Solitary: 'Ashli Will Always Be My Guardian Angel'" 

Zachary Alam:

"That and the fact that Ashli was shot to death springing through a window, that I broke open, are the source of all accusations against me by the January 6 community....

Yes, she did smack me and knock the glasses off my face. But that's because she was trying to stop me from getting myself shot...

Sadly, Ashli's mother has a grudge against me, and since she's in charge of the Vigil, I am banned from it..."

Monday, August 5, 2024

"Secret Service Whistleblower: Management Took His Phone and Wiped All Texts/Emails Related to Jan6 " 

A Secret Service whistleblower told RealClearPolitics reporter Susan Crabtree that SS management under then-director Cheatle asked for his phone a few months after January 6 while the DHS IG was investigating the Secret Service's handling of January 6.

The whistleblower said all of his texts and emails related to January 6 were WIPED from his phone...."

July 2022, the Department of Homeland Security's watchdog opened a criminal investigation into the Secret Service's 'deletion' of January 6 text messages..."

More sleazeball tactics "Federal Air Marshal Whistleblowers Reveal Tulsi Gabbard is Actively Under Surveillance Through Quiet Skies Program 

*"Air Marshals were first assigned to Gabbard on Jul. 23, a day after she criticized Kamala Harris, Biden, and the National Security State in an interview with Laura Ingraham. 

Now, according to the whistleblowers, Gabbard is unknowingly monitored by two Explosive Detection Canine Teams, one Transportation Security Specialist specializing in explosives, one plainclothes TSA Supervisor, and three Federal Air Marshals on every flight she boards....

Sonya LaBosco revealed that a group coined as "Quiet Skies" has been focusing on individuals who happened to be in the National Capitol region during January 2021, tagging them as possible threats. This tracking happens REGARDLESS of whether they participated in the Capitol event or other activities surrounding that timeframe...."

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Prayers & Action 🙏✝️💜 "Why does the government appear to want to kill January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel? " 

"Instead, he developed 17 blood clots throughout his body while being systemically denied medical treatment during his incarceration. Left untreated, the clots morph into blood-flow-obstructing fibroids..."

Saturday, July 27, 2024

"Proud Father J6 Hostage Billy Chrestman Is Released from Prison After 3 1/2 Years of Captivity - His Family Has Lost Everything -"

"J6 Political Prisoner John Strand Released From Prison — A Great Day For Justice In America! " 

'On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, AFLDS Creative Director John Strand was released from prison after his Second Motion for Release Pending Appeal was granted by United States District Judge Christopher Cooper. His release comes after the High Court ruled last month that the DOJ misused and inappropriately charged January 6 defendants with "obstruction of an official proceeding."

Friday, July 12, 2024

GiveSendGo | Support Zach Rehl 

"Zach Rehl was arrested March 17, 2021. He is nonviolent, he did not push through any barricades, brought no weapons, and he did not damage any property. Yet he has been convicted of seditious conspiracy and more. Regardless of the verdict from a DC jury, his fight is far from over. Him and his lawyer will be taking this to the court of appeals. .."

Prayers4 🙏"Marine vet, J6 political prisoner Zachary Rehl ordered to PAY BACK military benefits "

Prayers4 🙏"Marine vet, J6 prisoner Zachary Rehl ordered to PAY BACK military benefits " 

"Zach's brief stroll through "The People's House" resulted in U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly handing him a stunning 15-year prison sentence for his role in the Capitol riot. Government prosecutors had sought a 30-year sentence..."

Monday, July 1, 2024

Prayers for Tommy 🙏 Tatum: " Arrested 3 Years After Jan. 6 - Police Nearly Killed Him... " 

J6er Tommy Tatum, an independent reporter from Mississippi, was arrested last week over three years after the January 6 protests at the US Capitol.

Police nearly killed Tommy that day. He was knocked out and would have died except that brave protesters dragged him to safety. ...

...They Were Angry He Called Out the Wickedness of the Police in Jesus's Name..."

“We Are Good Men” Podcast Directly From Inside the DC Gulag Featuring J6 Political Prisoner Brandon Fellows"

Thursday, June 27, 2024

prayer vigil for the January 6th Hostages

Isaac A Thomas:
I will be co-hosting a prayer vigil for the January 6th Hostages with the @gatewaypundit this Friday night June 28th at 730pm EST
Please join us to hear from amazing organizations such as Condemned USA, American patriot relief,  Patriot Mail Project, StopHate and so many more!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

🇺🇸RealRobert🇺🇸 on X: "🚨🚨And here she is, VINDICATED, Sidney Powell, “ 

" TX Court rules the Texas Bar FAILED TO PROVE Sidney Powell acted in "dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation" in the 4 lawsuits she filed against the overthrow of the US government on Nov 3, 2020 election.

The court even CAUGHT THE BAR LYING.."

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

J6:" Nancy Pelosi admits to her aides that she should have called in National Guard troops. "

"Citizen Free Press on X: "This is the brand new J6 Nancy Pelosi video as she was evacuated to Fort McNair. She admits to her aides that she was responsible for security, and she should have called in National Guard troops. Trump asked for the National Guard and Nancy said no."" / X 

"Exclusive: Jan. 6 Committee HID Trump-Exonerating Evidence"

"Former Rep. Liz Cheney's January 6 Committee suppressed evidence that President Donald Trump pushed for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the nation's capital, a previously hidden transcript obtained by The Federalist shows..." 

"Human Events: The Untold Story of the Real J6 Insurrection w/ Pete Hegseth''

Sunday, June 9, 2024

"MATTHEW GRAVES and the Left's TWO-TIER JUSTICE: Pro-Hamas protestor Receives “48 Hrs. Community Service”

"MATTHEW GRAVES and the Left's TWO-TIER JUSTICE: Pro-Hamas protestor Receives "48 Hrs. Community Service" for Assaulting Female DC Police Officer vs. J6ers' "Years of Federal Prison" for similar or Lesser Charges" 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

1 of the good guys👍 "FBI Whistleblower agent Marcus Allen Security Clearence Reinstated, +2 Yrs Back Pay "

One of the good guys 👍 "VICTORY: FBI Whistleblower agent Marcus Allen Who Exposed Agency's Lies About January 6th Has Security Clearence Reinstated, Will Receive Over Two Years of Back Pay"

 | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew 

The vexatiousness never ends 👎"FBI Arrests 75-yo Retired NASCAR Driver Tighe Scott & Son on Charges re Jan 6 "

"The Biden Regime has arrested more than 1,400 Trump supporters (mostly non-violent) related to the January 6 Capitol protest..." 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Led by his father "Capitol riot: Rally planned for defendant Jake Lang at Brooklyn prison" #Prayers4Jake 🙏

I DON'T support Jake's use of a baseball bat on J6. But at the same time I don't know if he actually used it to hurt anybody. Either way, he has been held in prison even isolation pre-trial for way too long. 
"The noon rally for the Sullivan County native will be led by his father, Ned Lang of Narrowsburg, and it could be an unusual urban spectacle. At least one horseback rider is expected to take part: Couy Griffin, founder of "Cowboys for Trump" and a former county commissioner from New Mexico who served two weeks in jail for his own Jan. 6 conviction on a trespassing charge.." 

Friday, May 24, 2024

"Update: Final Attempt for Bond for J6er Jake Lang-No Answer from Court Yet "

SHAME on Prosecutors Karen Rochlin & Craig Estes "who seek to keep Jake Lang on pre-trial detention....INDEFINITELY 
[3 1/2 yrs already]
& DISGRACEFUL Judge Nichols 
"has already DENIED Lang's bond twice..."


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

M29 WORSE THAN J6. how many were PROSECUTED? May29 2020 "Trump briefly taken to underground BUNKER

how many were

May29 2020
"Trump briefly taken to underground BUNKER during Friday's White House " RIOTS by radical antifa lefties 

May 2020 : when they tried to storm the Whitehouse. Worse than J6

Some rioters "repeatedly attempted to knock over  barriers, & vandalized 6 Secret Service vehicles... more than 60 Secret Service & Special Agents sustained multiple INJURIES from projectiles such as Bricks, Rocks, bottles, fireworks etc. ...  also physically Assaulted, Kicked,…

Friday, May 17, 2024

Congress please help "J6er Jake Lang Emerges From 36 Days in Sensory Deprivation Chamber "|


Could somebody in CONGRESS please do something for
 Jake Lang ⁉️ NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE about the way he is being mistreated

"To the Americans out there who are thinking of politically dissenting against the Biden Regime – this what awaits you – BUT YOU CAN MAKE IT! Fear not & stand firm; there is a 4th man in the fire – Jesus, the Living God. We will make it through together. Vote Trump to end the madness!!"

Dropped 2 of 3 charges "DOJ Drops Charges against J6er Representing Himself in Court" | Headline USA

That's the way to go. You have to represent yourself in court./ 👍 #InProPer J6
"But Pope isn't satisfied with the DOJ just dropping two charges. On Monday, he filed a motion to have the "parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol Building" charged dropped against him, also on the grounds that the DOJ hasn't provided him with specifics about that alleged crime." 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

" The Left's ELECTION INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Is Run Like a 5th Generation "Weapons System"

#StopTheSteal again 
Lefties are working 24/7 on creative corrupt ways to STEAL AGAIN . They've got Satan's utmost respect 👿 😈 
"While conservatives argue over whether we should vote early or on election day, the Election Industrial Complex is adding, deleting and managing entities that are clandestinely operating behind US elections..." 

😆😅😂"FAIL: Capitol Police Officer Turned J6 Grifter Harry Dunn Loses Maryland Congressional Primary, Blew $4.5 Million on Unsuccessful Campaign "

  😆😅😂"FAIL: Capitol Police Officer Turned J6 Grifter Harry Dunn Loses Maryland Congressional Primary, Blew $4.5 Million on Unsuccessful Campaign " 

Another J6 Vexatious prosecution victim Commits Suicide 🙏✝️🤎. When will this madness end ⁉️

Another J6 Vexatious prosecution victim Commits Suicide 🙏✝️🤎. When will this madness end ⁉️

"David  Homol, 55, was charged with assaulting two police officers. He is at least the FIFTH J 6 defendant to die by suicide

Prosecutors allege Mr. Homol struck two police officers…

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

: Another J6 Vexatious prosecution victim Commits Suicide 🙏✝️🤎. When will this madness end ⁉️

Another J6 Vexatious prosecution victim Commits Suicide 🙏✝️🤎. When will this madness end ⁉️ the wicked Lefty prosecutors want to demoralize mostly -decent people who didn't do much wrong, if anything . It's sickening. This  deeply saddens me because I saw the people there and I made the determination that most of them were decent, even if they got caught up in a little bit of shenanigans. But nothing worthy of the prosecution and persecution that they are now receiving. It's Vexatious 👎. Shame on these prosecutors. They will be judged and punished by God according to the way they are treating others. 

"David Homol, 55, was charged with assaulting two police officers. He is at least the FIFTH J 6 defendant to die by suicide

Prosecutors allege Mr. Homol struck two police officers with a plastic flagpole 
He wrote on J6
"...Today was not an antifa-inspired statement. It was totally done by angry Trump supporters with NO firearms, many singing God bless America, Jesus saves, etc.," the text read. "The corrupt politicians should be relieved this was not an armed rebellion. It clearly was a statement of [the] strength of We ThePeople"

These creepy freakin lefties never quit "Biden Regime Seeks 12-Yr Sentence *With Terror Enhancement* for Son of Media Research Center's Brent Bozell For Jan 6 |"

These creepy freakin lefties never quit. They love terrorizing decent conservatives "Biden Regime Prosecutor Seeks 12-Year Prison Sentence *With Terror Enhancement* for Son of Media Research Center's Brent Bozell For January 6 |"

"Leo Bozell's attorneys deny he pushed through police lines and argued he was "lost and wandering" around before exiting the Capitol building..." 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Julie Kelly says it nicely re J6 "Did the U.S. Solicitor General MISLEAD SCOTUS?"

Mislead? How about.                         freakin. LIAR.  😡👎

"Elizabeth Prelogar, Joe Biden's appointed solicitor general, attempted to downplay prison sentences associated with J6ers convicted of 1512(c)(2) during oral arguments. But did she tell the truth?"

"for interrupting a government function—Prelogar might have fatally damaged the credibility of her case; she MISREPRESENTED, or at the very least misstated, the government's handling of prison sentences for J6ers convicted of 1512(c)(2)..." 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Thursday, April 25, 2024

"Judge Challenges Appeals Court Over Computer Monitoring Ban in January 6 Parole"

"Goodwyn (described in reports as a citizen journalist) was convicted on a single trespassing misdemeanor count based on him spending 36 seconds inside the Capitol on the day...," 

"Mop-Up Man: Is This Former ATF Agent Ashan Benedict Running the J6 Pipe Bomb Coverup? -"

"That Capitol Police official is Ashan Benedict, currently Assistant Chief of Police of the Capitol Police in charge of Protective and Intelligence Operations. Yes, you read that right. A man who would excuse the flagrant violation of security protocol as depicted in the footage of the DNC bomb discovery is the head of Protective Operations at the Capitol Police.... This alone should be sufficient tlead us to believe with a high degree of conviction that Ashan M. Benedict is one of the key cover-up men of the entire January 6 pipe bomb hoax..." 

By Julie Kelly

"Here’s more PROOF that the January 6 “insurrection” was a staged INSIDE JOB from the very beginning"

"Have a look at the following video in which you can hear a police officer inside the Capitol asking about wristband "identifiers" to keep track of who was who:

I posted many screenshots online warning people to leave," tweeted Andrew "Drew" Mullins, a U.S. Navy Seal, about how he urged his followers who were present in Washington, D.C., at the time to leave for their own safety..." 

Friday, April 19, 2024

GiveSendGo - J6 Legal Fund: The Leader in Freedom Fundraising.

"January 6 participants file class action lawsuit over police misconduct, brutality" – N

🙏⚡💪 #ClassAction J6
"Over 78 January 6 patriots are listed as plaintiffs on the groundbreaking multi-million 💰dollar lawsuit that alleges CAPITOL POLICE misconduct, gross indifference, dereliction of duty, POLICE BRUTALITY & hundreds of instances of peaceful protestors being INJURED on January 6 !!!" Lang wrote on X about the lawsuit.

The lawsuit was reportedly
 filed by .." 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

"Mop-Up Man: Is This Former ATF Agent Running the J6 Pipe Bomb Coverup? -" Revolver News

Capitol Police claim: "the nonchalant response of the Secret Service and Capitol Police to the pipe bomb was DELIBERATELY designed so as not to cause panic among the public. 

THINK OF THAT: we're supposed to believe that Secret Service agents & Capitol Police stood lackadaisically within feet of what could have been a live explosive device & ALLOWED a group of CHILDREN to walk within feet of said device in order to not cause panic. .." 

Post from Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2)

How can they give such lengthy prison sentences plus a fine; and those are HUGE fines. That doesn't seem legal or constitutional either. And if you're in prison for as long as they're being sentenced to How do they maintain income? I don't suppose they're all independently wealthy. Unless they have a supportive family structure to return to, these guys are on the street when they come out. Worsening the homeless problem. 

"Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) posted at 6:25 AM on Wed, Apr 17, 2024:
Another Elizabeth Prelogar fact check.

Here is DOJ sentencing memo filed last week for 4 defendants who traveled together to DC for Jan 6. All were convicted by DC jury on 1512c2-related charges and other nonviolent offenses. No weapons, vandalism, or assault convictions. Two…

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

"AUDIO: Justice Neil Gorsuch Blows Up Department of Injustice's Case Against J6 Protesters .."

"Gorsuch threw out several meaningful real-life incidents involving these left-wing figures, including the unlawful sit-ins during a trial (which occurred during the Brett Kavanaugh hearing in 2018), Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulling a fire alarm to prevent a critical vote to keep the government open, hecklers during the State of the Union, and so-called "mostly peaceful" protests (BLM riots)..." 

We pray so 🙏"Supreme Court Will Hear Arguments on Tuesday That Could Overturn Convictions of Hundreds of J6 Rioters –" PJ Media

"Fischer's legal team of federal public defenders and Jeffrey T. Green of Northwestern Law School wrote in a filing. "If there ever were a textual case in which judicial restraint is called for because Congress can broaden a statute to fit the government's desired scope, this is that case." 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

"Sedition against a sitting US President? New J6 whistleblowers bust the case wide open..". - Revolver News

"The former J6 Select Committee apparently withheld Mr. Ornato's critical witness testimony from the American people because it contradicted their pre-determined narrative," said Chairman Loudermilk. "Mr. Ornato's testimony proves what Mr. Meadows has said all along, President Trump DID IN FACT OFFER 10,000 National Guard TROOPS to SECURE the U.S. Capitol, which was turned down..." 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Thursday, April 4, 2024

#JudgmentDay : Each judge & Justice will have to account to God for their decisions.


Each judge and Justice
will have to account
to God for their decisions.

at the pearly Gates.

You will be judged too,

We cannot abide by this 👎😡 "Disgusting! Vet Facing 20 Years In Prison For Holding Shield On J6 Speaks Out! -"

"James describes his entry into the Capitol not as an act of insurrection but as a necessary step to assist his stepfather, who had been incapacitated by mace. He emphasizes his role as a caregiver in that moment, drawing on his extensive experience as a combat medic trained to save lives under the most dire circumstances..." 

"Retired Green Beret Held Without Bail for 'Thought Crime' Over Misdemeanor Charge -" National File